Monday 6 October 2008

1. Discuss both past and current artists and works

1. Discuss both past and current artists and works

John smith’s 1970 film girl chewing gum contains a scene of a street with various people walking around doing everyday things, the camera just seems to pan from side to side and up and down.
You hear what we first perceive to be a director who we think is their directing but it becomes apparent that it is a pre recorded scene with voice over put on, when you first see the short film it seems diagetic but then after watching some more shots which make the viewer confused its obvious that it is pre recorded and has a non diagetic sound.
The concept of this film is that we believe the directing man is in a position of power and that we always believe what we here, but after realising it was pre recorded it shows the viewer not to always believe what we here.
John smith has challenged the media with this piece of work fantastically.
As for the craft of the film there is non it’s very basic,
The film has also a very low budget.

(A classic of the low-budget world of 1970s London experimental filmmaking,

A film that challenges and compares to this is godfrey reggio’s koyaanisqatsi
An experimental film made in 1982 with a big budget.
Koyaanisqatsi is a great film with great shots envolved. It has a very interesting concept to it that we can compare to john smiths girl chewing gum.
Koyaanisqatsi is all about life in ruin and about the state of the world, I thought this was similar to girl chewing gum as this also, challenged the media and the state of the world today.
koyaanisqatsi has more craft based shots as girl chewing gum is more simple.


CSC MEDIA said...

Ben this needs a bit of focus. I like the way you start with the comparisons. Watch you punctuation and spelling! I need to see a bit more before I can comment further let me know when you have posted up some more and I will have a look.

CSC MEDIA said...

Not sure that these examples are similar possibly “Girl Chewing Gum” and “Doll face”? Re-read and put speech marks around directors and film titles, include capital letters for titles.