Sunday 12 October 2008

narratives and non narritive structures

Narrative and non-narrative structures

One of the films that has a great narrative behind it is Andrew Haungs doll face.
Doll Face is a computer graphic based short film which shows a robotic head coming out of a box staring at a TV screen.
It shows the doll face change its appearance every time a different picture appears on the television screen.
The story behind it I believe is about the media and how it makes women fell insecure about their appearance.
Andrew Haung has challenged the media with this short film which I believe is a great way with using experimental media not only with the narrative but also with the way Andrew has used computer graphics.
For me I believe there is no non narrative structure as I believe it is straight forward to see the narrative behind Andrew Haung’s work.
It’s also very interesting how the robot breaks when the TV gets further away I believe this shows how women get stressed about the situation of how the media make women feel ugly.
It has one similarity with Koyaanisqastsi and how its shows life in ruin, I think this is the sort of message Godfrey Reggios was also trying to create.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Try and discuss about how important you feel narrative structure is in relation to the meaning that is created/taken from the work.