Wednesday 15 October 2008

doll face review

'Doll Face’ is a short 4 minute film created by Andrew Haung
The film is computer graphic based and very craft like.
The film is a robotic head coming out of a box with a ladies face
Staring at a television screen.
Each time the face looks at an image on the television the face changes their image to the same one on the tv screen. When the tele moves further away the robitic head follows continuing to change image every time.
When the tele gets to far away from the head the head cant extend any more so it snaps and breaks.
Andrew was trying to challenge the media with what he done in this video as he showed a face trying to be like what it sees on TV.
When we see this well when I saw this it make you think about women and how they make themselves look like people on the television.
Some celebs go too far with trying to make themselves look good and I think this is what Andrew Haung done well with in this short computer graphic based film.

.great concept
.great craft
. Good audio
Fantastic film deffinatly worth a watch


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