Sunday 12 October 2008

The use of technology,techniques and styles

. The use of technology and techniques and styles

Past films such as john smith’s girl chewing gum won’t compare technology wise with films such as Godfrey Reggios Koyaanisqatsi.Girl Chewing Gum is very simple like I have spoken in my last post as it was shot back in the 1970s, this would also mean that that some styles are different in way of shooting the film, such as in Koyaanisqatsi you see lots of very advanced difficult shots and good editing but in Girl Chewing Gum its all very simple, this I believe is to do with the year in which the film was made but also the budget of the films.
These two films I believe are very well matched in the way of concept (in my point of view) but there are things such as the technology, techniques and styles.
· Technology would be different due to the years of both films
· Techniques would also be different as they both have different narratives and some shots may need to be different to one another to tell the story in a better way and also directors normally have their own style.
· Styles are very different because of directors but as there is a gap in years some styles may have been discovered during this time such as different ways of shooting film.

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